Friday 8 February 2013

Police officer demoted for sending racy pics and videos of herself to junior officer (PICTURED)

A female cop who sent sex videos and pictures of herself in uniform to her lower-ranking officer lover has been demoted.

Diana Lopez, who was in a relationship with the man at the time, used her personal cell phone to send the sexually explicit content.

The public information officer for Tuscon Police Department was demoted from the rank of lieutenant to sergeant after an investigation.

The probe was initially sparked by anonymous letters to her department in August 2012, reports the Arizona Daily Star.

Police said her actions had violated several department regulations, its code of ethics and professional standards.

Assistant Chief Kathleen Robinson wrote: "Lopez used extremely poor judgment in sending these images undermining her credibility as a commander.

"Her actions have negatively affected not only her reputation, but the reputation and mission of the Tucson Police Department."

Police said Lopez's boyfriend, who has never been identified, showed the content to other officers between May and August 2011.

The investigation revealed that 13 people saw the footage, but the racy clips were never uncovered. Lopez also admitted to kissing an individual in a station locker room.

Lopez, who is now working in the operations division, is believed to be considering a civil lawsuit against the city.

Her attorney, Michael Piccarreta, said the case brought up "constitutional issues over lawful off-duty behavior and violation of privacy."

- NY Daily News

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