Tuesday 12 February 2013

Names Of 10 Cardinal Contenders

The Catholic church was thrown into turmoil yesterday after Pope Benedict XVI made the shock decision to quit the papacy because of his deteriorating health and within minutes of Pope Benedict’s announcement, speculation was rife about who would replace him.
There are several papal contenders in the wings, but no obvious front-runner…lets take a look at  10 of those in contention, their odds and some of their strongly held beliefs….
Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson of Ghana
 Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson, 64
Country: Ghana Cardinal in the Ghanaian Catholic Church
Elevated to cardlinalate by Pope John Paul II
Significant views: Would like to see a black pope. Believes condoms should be used in marriage if one partner is infected with Aids.
Marc Ouellet
 Cardinal Marc Ouellet, 68
Country: Canada
Elevated to the cardinalate by Pope John Paul II
Significant views: Belief that abortion is unjustifiable, even in cases of r*pe
Nigerian Cardinal Francis Arinze
 Cardinal Francis Arinze, 80
Country: Nigeria
Elevated to cardlinalate by Pope John Paul II
Significant views: Extreme conservatism on birth control and abortion
Cardinal Angelo Scola
Cardinal Angelo Scola, 71
Country: Italy
Elevated to become Archbishop of Milan by Benedict XVI
Significant views: Wants to work more closely with Islam and support Christians in the Middle East
Honduran cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga
 Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, 70
Country: Honduras
Elevated to cardinalate by Pope John Paul II
Significant views: A moderate but is anti-abortion and criticised Ricky Martin for using a surrogate mother
Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone
 Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, 78
Country: Italy
Elevated to cardinalate by Pope John Paul II
Significant views: Blamed homosexual infiltration of the clergy for Catholic child s*x scandals
Angelo Bagnasco
Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, 70
Country: Italy
Elevated to cardinalate by Pope Benedict XVI
Significant views: Strongly against abortion and expressed anger towards same-s*x unions
Argentina's cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio
 Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, 77
Country: Argentina
Elevated to cardinalate by John Paul II
Significant views: Against abortion and euthanasia, is against same-s*x marriage but calls for respect of gay people. Washed the feet of 12 Aids patients in 2001.
Vatican's deputy secretary of state, Argentinian Archbishop Leonardo Sandri
 Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, 69
Country: Argentina
Elevated to cardinalate by Benedict XVI
Significant views: Said Christians in Iraq under Saddam Hussein were more free than they are now
Christoph von Schonborn
Cardinal Christoph von Schonborn, 68
Country: Austria
Elevated to cardinalate by John Paul II
Significant views: Said use of a condom by an Aids sufferer could be seen as a ‘lesser evil’.

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