Thursday 24 January 2013

Nigerian Student Sentenced To Death By Hanging For Drug Trafficking In Malaysia

A 23 year-old Nigerian student of a private college in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia was sentenced to death by hanging after he was found guilty of trafficking in 16,936gm of cannabis two years ago.

As reported by NewStraits Times, the Judicial Commissioner Mohd Zaki Abdul Wahab ruled that the prosecution had proved its case beyond reasonable doubt against John Amaechi Eze.
In his judgment, Zaki said the accused claimed he was waiting to board an express bus at a restaurant in front of the Lye Huat Garden hall when he was arrested by police. However, he said the court did not believe his claim that he did not own the luggage when witnesses had testified that he was with the luggage all the time.
His sentencing has elicited a range of reactions and warnings to Nigerians against trafficking drugs in countries where the stated penalty for such an offence is the death sentence.
A Nigerian blogger, Ola, who lives in Malaysia and blogs at shared this experience of living in Malaysia after the sentencing and warned against trafficking drugs. It is quite an interesting read:
Now, for anyone harboring thoughts of trafficking drugs to this country, this is what you get. It beats me why someone would risk their life, by taking banned substance to this racist shit hole called Malaysia, because when issued a visa, it is clearly stated that the punishment for drug trafficking in Malaysia is death.
To be fair and honest to Malaysia, there are some very nice and wonderful people out there, but they are greatly outnumbered by the bigots among them. I live and study in Malaysia and I've observed a bias pattern in judicial procedures and policing as regards drug trafficking and crime prevention.

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