Sunday 27 January 2013

74 passengers escape air crash, after Abuja-bound plane develops fault 15 minutes after take-off

What would have been another air disaster was on Sunday, averted by whiskers as an Abuja-bound aircraft made a dramatic return to Lagos when one of its engines developed a mechanical fault mid-air.
On board the aircraft which belongs to Med-View Airline were 73 passengers including Mr. Donald Ojogo, the newly appointed Politics Editor, Abuja, of the Independent Newspapers Limited, publishers of Daily Independent, Saturday Independent and Sunday Independent.
The Lagos-Abuja bound flight, VL2104, scheduled for 12 noon on Sunday had taken off at exactly 12.15 pm, 15 minutes behind schedule.But at exactly 12.30, about five minutes after the seat belt signs were put off, there was a loud bang at the engine side of the aircraft forcing it to drop in altitude even as it became unstable, swerving slowly and steadily in left and right directions for about two minutes.
The development elicited instant prayers, wailings and cries from the passengers, most of whom were women with the silence of the Aircraft Crew, especially the Pilot, further heightening tension in the plane.

[Daily Independent]

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