Thursday 27 December 2012

Obama To Decide Fate Of Nigerian Battling Illness, Deportation

A Nigerian living with a genetic disorder that causes facial tumors has earned a United State’s House of Representatives’ bill to stay back and study in America.
sopuruchi-chukwueke-454x300[1]The law was written to apply only to Sopuruchukwu Chukwueke according to U.S. Senator, Carl Levin, a Michigan Democrat, who sponsored the legislation.
The U.S. House passed it Tuesday and the Senate has already approved the bill which is now headed for Mr. Obama’s desk.
The law, made for Mr. Sopuruchukwu alone, allows him to remain in the U.S. despite the expiration of his visa. He will get the green card he needs to stay and study in America If Mr. Obama signs the legislation

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