Thursday 28 February 2013

PHOTOS: Young Unilag Artist, Damino Damoche Shot Dead By Cultist In LASU GATE

Upcoming  singer and final year student at Lagos State University, Olaniyan Damilola Ibrahim a.k.a Damino Damoche has reportedly been shot dead in front of the school's gate.

According to reports circulating on social media site, Twitter, the lewd singer was shot by suspected cult members.

Fast Rising Singer Damino Damoche Killed In Front Of LASU. Initial reports suggested a car ran over him but now others claim he was shot. Looking at the pool of blood it looks more like he was knifed to death. Remember this month alone has taken three of our entertainers, and incase you didn't hear, Samklef was involved in a car crash though it seems like it was ot so fatal.

I deliberately didn't include the gory photos, but i'm sure in an hour the photos will be allover twitter.

Breaking News: Nigerian singer, Damoche, shot dead

The deceased was a student of the Lagos State University.
Unknown gunmen, suspected to be cultist, on Thursday, shot dead hip-hop singer, Olaniyan Damilola, popularly known as Damino Damoche, at the Lagos State University, LASU, gate.
Reports say the Banking and Finance student at LASU had just finished writing a test and was about to leave the school when he was attacked.
Details later…

Pope Benedict XVI leaves Vatican

As Benedict XVI's reign as pope comes to an end, the pontiff has left Vatican City.
"Thank you for your love and support. May you always experience the joy that comes from putting Christ at the centre of your lives," said a final tweet from the first pope to have his own Twitter account, sent shortly before his departure from the Vatican on Thursday.
From his temporary quarters in Italy's Castel Gandolfo, Benedict thanked the tens of thousands of people gathered there for "surrounding him with warmth."
"Let's go forward in prayer with Christ."
Benedict met cardinals from around the world in his final hours as leader of 1.1 billion Catholics, and promised "unconditional reverence and obedience'' to his successor.
Benedict urged his cardinals to work in unity so that the College of Cardinals is "like an orchestra'' where "agreement and harmony'' can be reached -a clear message to the conclave that will pick the next pope.
He said he would pray for the cardinals in coming days and weeks as they choose his successor.
An estimated 100 cardinals were present at the private meeting, Al Jazeera's Paul Brennan reported from Rome.
The 85-year-old German-born pope is the first pontiff to resign since the Middle Ages.
Benedict stunned the world when he announced his momentous decision in a surprise speech in Latin on February 11, saying he no longer had the "strength of mind and body" to carry on in a fast-changing modern world.
Infographic: Picking new pope
"I took this step in full awareness of its gravity and novelty but with profound serenity of spirit," the pope told a cheering crowd of 150,000 pilgrims in St Peter's Square in his final public farewell on Wednesday.
The theologian pope - a shy academic whose papacy has been overshadowed by infighting within the Roman Catholic Church and a sex abuse scandal - said his eight-year pontificate had seen "sunny days" and "stormy waters" but added: "I never felt alone".
According to Al Jazeera's Brennan, the retiring pope will be flown by an airforce helicopter to Castel Gandolfo, the papal's summer residence at about 5:00pm local time.
His last public appearance will be a short greeting to residents and well-wishers at Castel Gandolfo in the late afternoon after his 15-minute helicopter flight from the Vatican.
The Vatican has said that the moment the pope's powers officially expire at 19:00 GMT, or at 8pm, the ex-pontiff will officially be known by the new title of "Roman Pontiff Emeritus" although he will still be addressed as "Your Holiness".
He will also keep his papal name of "Benedict XVI" and will not be referred to his original name Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.
Between Benedict's resignation and the election of the next pope, the cardinal, referred to as the "Chamberlain", Italy's Tarcisio Bertone, will run the day-to-day affairs of the church.
Destabilising decision
Not all cardinals have welcomed Benedict's decision to resign.
Cardinal George Pell, the 71-year old top cleric from Australia, described Benedict's resignation as destabilising to the church, and questioned his governance skills.
Pell, Australia's lone representative at the secret conclave to elect the 266th pope, said Benedict was a "brilliant teacher" but "government wasn't his strong point".
"I think I prefer somebody who can lead the Church and pull it together a bit," Pell told commercial television.
He also said the decision to resign set a worrying precedent for the church.
"People who, for example, might disagree with a future pope, will mount a campaign to get him to resign," Pell said.

In a later radio interview, when questioned about his governance views, he pointed to the so-called "Vatileaks" scandal, in which Benedict's butler leaked secret papal memos revealing intrigues between rival groups of cardinals, .
"I think the governance is done by most of the people around the pope and that wasn't always done brilliantly," Pell said.
Al Jazeera And Agencies

2015: Niger State alleges plot to blackmail Governor Aliyu

The Niger State Government has alleged that there are plans to intimidate and frustrate Governor Mu’azu Babangida Aliyu, over his recent comment on the 2015 presidential election.
It said some individuals close to the presidency have concluded arrangements to print posters with Governor Aliyu’s portrait with the message: “2015: Vote Babangida Aliyu for President.”
A statement by Governor Aliyu’s Chief Press Secretary, Danladi Ndayebo, also alleged that some media houses have been commissioned to write negative reports against the Governor as part of their strategies to discredit him and the Niger State government.
Ndayebo described Gov. Aliyu as a law-abiding member of the PDP, who is aware of the party’s directive to members with the belief that parties should not commence campaign for the 2015 presidential election yet.
“For the avoidance of doubt, Governor Aliyu has not declared for the presidency. If anything, he is at the moment focused on delivering on the mandate given to him by the people of Niger State and would not be distracted,” the statement said.
“God is the ultimate decider of who becomes what, just as he cautioned Nigerians to be wary of persons who may want to discredit others for selfish gains.”
The statement noted that the governor remains committed to his present assignment and would not be distracted by any devious plot by mischief makers.
He reiterated his commitment to the ongoing efforts at re-engineering Niger State to achieve its vision of becoming one of the top three most developed states in the country by the year 2020.

Five Simple Ways To Save Money

Financial experts give five ways to save more money.
1. Use cash when you shop
“If you leave the house with only enough cash to buy what you’re shopping for, you’re automatically unable to succumb to impulse buys, which often bust your budget… we’re more likely to overspend with pieces of plastic than real money.”
– Stacy Johnson, CPA and President of
2. Try to negotiate for just about anything
“In this economy companies may be more willing to give you a ‘break.’ But you won’t get a deal unless you ask. Be reasonable. Come up with a figure you think is fair and ask for a price break. If you don’t get a ‘yes,’ ask to speak to the supervisor and state your case. Many times you will walk away with a discount.”
– Janice Lieberman, Contributing Editor to Reader’s Digest and author of Tricks of the Trade: A Consumer Survival Guide and How to Shop for a Husband Plus:10 Smart Money Moves to Make in 2010

 3. Try the 24-hour rule
“For 30 days, promise yourself that you won’t make a single big-ticket purchase without waiting a full day. Next time you see something you like, ask the store to hold it for you until the next day. If you still want it 24 hours later, then it’s yours to buy… Whether your weakness is shoes, gadgets or candy bars at noon, this rule can save you big bucks.”
Beth Kobliner, author of Get a Financial Life: Personal Finance in Your Twenties and Thirties and

4. Save as a group
“In many cultures, saving is a group activity. By being vocal about your savings goals – whether it’s a wedding, down payment on a house or even a marathon donation – you can save more money, and do it more quickly by getting the support of friends and family.” Check out sites like where you can share your financial goals with loved ones through popular social networking sites.
– Bob Weinschenk, CEO of
5. Don’t impulse buy online
“Impulsive buying is one of the biggest mistakes people make when shopping online because you can pretty much guarantee you won’t be getting the best deal.” Instead, do your homework first. Check out price comparison sites like to find out which retailers have the best deals, and find thousands of coupon codes to apply before checkout at sites like
– Christian Gordun, CEO and founder of
Source: Readers’ Digest

New pope must rebrand church

Pope Benedict XVI gave an emotional farewell in St. Peter's Square on Wednesday. The moment said a lot about his papacy. On the one hand, the square was packed with an estimated 150,000 enthusiastic Catholics eager to show him love and respect. On the other hand, the pope's remarks conceded that his papacy was often a troubled one: "There were moments," he said, "as there were throughout the history of the church, when the seas were rough and the wind blew against us and it seemed that the Lord was sleeping."
The church that Benedict will no longer lead is indeed beset with problems -- its legacy of child sexual abuse, declining presence in the West, reputation for anachronism and, most recently,embarrassing allegations of a gay sex scandal in the hierarchy. The next pope is going to have to move the church beyond these travails to reinvigorate Catholicism for the 21st century.

What are the causes of High Blood Pressure in young people?

Can we discuss this please? Hypertension is no longer an 'old age' problem'. The rate at which young people collapse and die these days is alarming. Are there doctors in the house that can talk to us about what causes high blood pressure in young people and what we can do to prevent it?

World’s Oldest Woman Misao Okawa Is 114 Years Old

World’s Oldest Woman Misao Okawa will be 115 years old next week. On Tuesday, she got an early birthday present when the Guinness Book of World Records named her the oldest living woman on the planet.
Okawa, the Japanese daughter of a Kimono maker, was born in 1898. She received the impressive title in a ceremony Wednesday, alongside her 3-month-old great grandson, after enjoying her favorite meal of mackerel sushi. Her secret to living a long life?
“Watch out for one’s health,” she told a reporter after receiving her Guinness certificate. For Okawa that means eating whatever she likes–as long it’s made in Japan. With 50,000 living centenarians in Japan, there’s evidence that the country’s residents hold the secret to longevity: a healthy diet.
Japanese women have one of the longest life spans of any country, only second to those in Hong Kong. The oldest living man (also the oldest living person) is also Japanese. Jiroemon Kimura is 115 years old. “It concentrates the magnificent energy of food into a compact and pleasurable size.”
The base of the Japanese diet is vegetables and fish, a great source of omega-3 fats, which are excellent for heart health. Because their meals are largely vegetarian, they eat very little red meat, which can lead to health problems if eaten regularly. The results of a 25-year study of the longest living group of Japanese people, the Okinawans, revealed that their traditional diet of rice, soy, and vegetables could be the reason that, on average, Okinawan women live to be 86 years old.
With all dietary suggestions aside, there is of course a genetic component to aging, meaning Japanese people are less genetically predisposed to certain diseases. A positive and low-stress lifestyle has also shown to lengthen life. The Okinawans don’t have rush hour or alarm clocks, and many meditate daily.
Okawa was born in Osaka 1898. In 1919, she married and had three children with her husband. After his death, she moved back to Osaka. She has four grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
Speaking to a group at her nursing home on making the Guinness Book of World Records, she said, “given everything, it’s pretty good.”

Governor Wada returns to office after 60 days in hospital

After spending about 60 days in a hospital in Abuja, following an auto crash, which led to him sustaining varying degrees of injuries, the Governor of Kogi State, Idris Wada, has finally returned to the state.
The Governor who was accompanied by his wife, Alima, and deputy, Yomi Awoniyi, arrived Lokoja, the state capital in a long motorcade and was received at the Jamata bridge end of the Lokoja-Abuja Expressway, by an enthusiastic crowd.
Addressing the elated crowd at the gate of the Lugard Hall Lodge, in Lokoja, the state capital, the Governor expressed appreciation to the people of the state for showing their support and love towards him and his administration during the period he was convalescing in Abuja.
“I am back on my two feet now, looking forward to work and move forward our state to the next level,” he said.After spending about 60 days in a hospital in Abuja, following an auto crash, which led to him sustaining varying degrees of injuries, the Governor of Kogi State, Idris Wada, has finally returned to the state.
The Governor who was accompanied by his wife, Alima, and deputy, Yomi Awoniyi, arrived Lokoja, the state capital in a long motorcade and was received at the Jamata bridge end of the Lokoja-Abuja Expressway, by an enthusiastic crowd.
Addressing the elated crowd at the gate of the Lugard Hall Lodge, in Lokoja, the state capital, the Governor expressed appreciation to the people of the state for showing their support and love towards him and his administration during the period he was convalescing in Abuja.
“I am back on my two feet now, looking forward to work and move forward our state to the next level,” he said.

Pope Benedict XVI Will Be Called ‘Emeritus Pope’ In Retirement, Vatican Says

Vatican’s announcement Tuesday that Pope Benedict XVI will be known as “emeritus pope” in his retirement, be called “Your Holiness” and continue to wear the white cassock associated with the papacy has fueled concerns about potential conflicts arising from the peculiar reality now facing the Catholic Church: having one reigning and one retired pope.
Benedict’s title and what he will wear have been a major source of speculation since the 85-year-old pontiff stunned the world and announced he would resign Thursday, the first pope to do so in 600 years.
There has been good reason why popes haven’t stepped down in past centuries, given the possibility for divided allegiances and even schism. But the Vatican insists that while the situation created by Benedict’s retirement is certainly unique, no major conflicts will arise.
“According to the evolution of Catholic doctrine and mentality, there is only one pope. Clearly it’s a new situation, but I don’t think there will be problems,” Giovanni Maria Vian, the editor of the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano, said in an interview.
Critics aren’t so sure. Some Vatican-based cardinals have privately grumbled that it will make it more difficult for the next pope with Benedict still around.
Swiss theologian Hans Kueng, Benedict’s one-time colleague-turned-critic, went further: “With Benedict XVI, there is a risk of a shadow pope who has abdicated but can still indirectly exert influence,” he told Germany’s Der Spiegel magazine last week.
The Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, said Tuesday that Benedict himself decided on his name and wardrobe in consultation with others, settling on “Your Holiness Benedict XVI” and either “emeritus pope” or “emeritus Roman pontiff.”
Lombardi said he didn’t know why Benedict had decided to drop his other main title: bishop of Rome.
In the two weeks since Benedict’s resignation announcement, Vatican officials had suggested that Benedict would likely resume wearing the traditional black garb of a cleric and would use the title “emeritus bishop of Rome” to avoid creating confusion with the future pope.
Adding to the concern is that Benedict’s trusted secretary, Archbishop Georg Gaenswein, will be serving both pontiffs – living with Benedict at the monastery being converted for him inside Vatican grounds while keeping his day job as prefect of the new pope’s household.
Asked about the potential for conflict, Lombardi was defensive, saying the decisions had been clearly reasoned and were likely chosen for the sake of simplicity.
“I believe it was well thought out,” he said.
Benedict himself has made clear he is retiring to a lifetime of prayer and meditation “hidden from the world.” However, he still will be very present in the tiny Vatican city-state, where his new home is right next door to the Vatican Radio transmission tower and has a lovely view of the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica.
Kueng said it was a mistake for Gaenswein to serve both men and for Benedict to remain so close to the center of action.
“No priest likes it if his predecessor sits next to the rectory and watches everything he does,” Kueng was quoted as saying in Der Spiegel. “And even for the bishop of Rome, it is not pleasant if his predecessor constantly has an eye on him.”
However, others reasoned that Benedict’s retirement plans and title were in keeping with those of other retired heads of state.
“I was somewhat surprised that Benedict would still be called `His Holiness’ and would wear white, but it’s akin to the former U.S. presidents being addressed as `Mr. President,’” said the Rev. James Martin, a Jesuit writer and editor. “It’s a mark of respect for the former office he once held.”
“Overall, I don’t think that after the conclave there will be any doubt about who the pope is, or who is in charge,” he said.
While Benedict will no longer wear his trademark red shoes, he has taken a liking to a pair of hand-crafted brown loafers made for him by artisans in Leon, Mexico, and given to him during his 2012 visit. He will wear those in retirement, Lombardi said.
Lombardi also elaborated on the College of Cardinals meetings that will take place after the papacy becomes vacant – crucial gatherings in which cardinals will discuss the problems facing the church and set a date for the start of the conclave to elect Benedict’s successor.
The first meeting isn’t expected until Monday, Lombardi said, since the official convocation to cardinals to come to Rome will only go out on Friday – the first day of what’s known as the “sede vacante,” or the vacancy between papacies.
In all, 115 cardinals under the age of 80 are expected in Rome for the conclave to vote on who should become the next pope. Two other eligible cardinals have already said they are not coming, one from Britain and another from Indonesia. Cardinals who are 80 and older can join the College meetings but won’t participate in the conclave or vote.
Benedict has already given the cardinals the go-ahead to move up the start date of the conclave – tossing out the traditional 15-day waiting period. But the cardinals won’t be able to set a date until their official meetings begin Monday.
Lombardi also described Benedict’s final 48 hours as pope: On Tuesday, he was packing, arranging for documents to be sent to the various Vatican archives and separating out the personal papers he will take with him into retirement.
On Wednesday, Benedict holds his final public general audience in St. Peter’s Square – an event that has already brought in 50,000 ticket requests. He won’t greet visiting prelates or VIPs as he normally does, but will meet some visiting leaders – from Slovakia, San Marino, Andorra and his native Bavaria – privately afterward.
On Thursday, the pope meets with his cardinals in the morning and then flies by helicopter at 5 p.m. to Castel Gandolfo, the papal residence south of Rome. Benedict will greet parishioners there from the palazzo’s balcony – his final public act as pope.
Then, at 8 p.m., the exact time at which his retirement becomes official, the Swiss Guards standing outside the doors of the palazzo at Castel Gandolfo will go off duty, their service protecting the head of the Catholic Church finished.
Benedict’s personal security will be assured by Vatican police, Lombardi said.

House Of Reps Throws Out Bill Seeking To Pay Unemployed Graduates Allowance

Nigerian graduates who are largely unemployed might not smile any time soon as a bill seeking to provide monetary incentives for them by the Nigerian state was kicked out by the House of Representatives.
The bill sponsored by Rep Arua Arunsi (PDP, Abia) sought to amend the National Directorate of Employment (NDE) Act 2004 to cater for unemployed graduates of tertiary institutions who could not secure employment.
Arunsi in his argument said that the bill was to design and implement programmes to cater for unemployed graduates that are aged 18-35 and also between third to fifth year of post graduation experience.
However, in rejecting the second reading of the bill on the floor of the House, many lawmakers argued that it failed to meet critical criterion of filling gaps inherent in the existing laws it was seeking to amend hence it was thrown out.

Emir of Kano returns to Nigeria today

Our men have just gathered that the Emir of Kano, Alhaji Ado Bayero is on his way back to Kano from London.
It has been confirmed that the Emir will arrive in Kano later on Wednesday evening.
Sources in Kano say there is a heavy presence of security in and around the Kano metropolis especially roads leading to the Mallam Aminu Kano International Airport.The Monarch and two of his sons were flown to the United Kingdom on January 20 after a failed attempt on his life.
Though he was unhurt, the 83-year-old monarch was said to have gone for treatment due to trauma.

I will quit politics, rather than leave PDP – Governor Jang

Plateau State Governor, Jonah Jang has declared that he would rather quit politics than leave the People’s Democratic Party (PDP).
Speaking in Abuja, Jang who was reinstated into the party’s Board of Trustees, following a decision to reinstate all 18 founding members as permanent members, said even with the formation of the new opposition political front, All Progressives Congress, the ruling PDP remains the leading party in Nigeria.
He noted that the move to recall all the foundation members was in recognition of their role as the conscience of the party, adding that it will keep the PDP focused.
The governor recalled that he and others were involved in every meeting that gave birth to the party, an experience he said has given them a deep insight into the party’s overall vision for the country.
He observed that the PDP has in the past had its share of troubles because of some elements that crept in and caused instability, leading exit of some of its pioneer members.
He assured the party of his continued support and loyalty to its leadership.

FG installs 3 power sub-stations in Lagos

UPDATES: Expelled Covenant varsity student: Court adjourns porno suit. Police nab 3 for allegedly stealing 10 day old baby. We didn't kill any student of Nasarawa varsity – Army. Newswatch suit: Jimoh Ibrahim owes me N30m, Ray Ekpu tells court. Jonathan to NASS: You're laying landmines for me. Ado Bayero, 2 sons return. Nigeria loses N8trn to illegal gold mining. FG installs 3 power sub-stations in Lagos. SANs, lawyers, hail NJC for retiring alleged 'corrupt' judges. Jonathan, Amaechi friction: Rivers youths threaten to dump PDP. Court orders IGP, 2 others to pay lawyer N25.5m as damages. NNPC loses N3.6bn to Arepo pipeline vandalisation. They're after me, Aliyu cries out. Death of six pupils sparks off protest in Akwa Ibom. Ogun LG workers end strike. ICPC deploys 69 assessors to check port fraud. abal moves to hijack FIRS CEO against applicants from South-West. Oyerinde: We are confused over conflicting reports - AGF's office. Bomb kills six as Nigeria donates relief materials to Mali. Most stolen iPhones are in Africa and China - Report. 1,200 Girls Raped in Rivers State. Atletico Madrid drew 2-2 with Sevilla for a 4-3 aggregate win to set-up a Madrid derby against Real in the Copa del Rey final. Nigerian Victor Moses got on the scoresheet as Chelsea bt Middlesbrough 2-0 to set-up a QF clash against Man Utd at Old Trafford.

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Police College Ikeja To Wear New Look As Army Engineers Are Mobilized To Site

Following an independent Television station's documentary on the parlous state of the Police College, Ikeja, Lagos, and the public outcry that greeted the revelation, President Goodluck Jonathan has directed Nigerian Army Engineers to renovate structures within the premier Police institution.
It would be recalled that the documentary led to an unscheduled visit by thePresident to the Police College who decried the state of facilities and living conditions of students of the college.

According to reports, the Presidency had released about N700million directly to the Army Engineers who have since mobilized to site.
Sources at the Army Headquarters, however, said the amount of money released "cannot be said to be the final cost of repairs as the work is being done."

22-year-old Nigerian caught with 1.3kg hard drugs

A 22-year-old Nigerian, Jude Ejikonye Ilechukwu who resides in Thailand was recently apprehended by men of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, NDLE, with 1.295kg of substance discovered to be methamphetamine. Ilechukwu was arrested at the international wing of the Murtala Mohammed International Airport, Lagos.
The drug which was concealed inside his luggage, was detected during the screening of passengers on Ethiopian Airline at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Lagos.
The MMIA Commander of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, Hamza Umar, said the drug was carefully hidden in the suspects’ luggage.
Umar said: “Like several factory modes of drug concealment, we had to practically cut the bag open to detect the drugs.
“Ordinarily, when you open the bag, you will not see the drug.
“We found two brown parcels of drugs weighing 1.295kg.”
According to Ilechukwu, he was lured into the drug deal by a friend he met in Thailand.
In his words: “I am a business man. I relocated to Thailand last year where I buy goods and send to Nigeria.
“It was in Thailand that I met a man who introduced me into drug business. He gave my number to his partner in Lagos who lodged me in a hotel.
“They made me to contribute N750,000 as my contribution and promised me a handsome reward on arrival in Thailand.
“My focus was on the profit that will accrue to me. It was when I was arrested that I realised I had made a big mistake.”
The suspect attended Okija Community Primary School and Okija Grammar School, Anambra State before he started business.
The Chairman/Chief Executive officer of NDLEA, Ahmadu Giade, said that the Agency will investigate all cases and bring drug culprits to justice.
Giade said; “The Agency is prepared to bring drug barons to justice. Our target is to reduce the drug problem to the barest minimum.”
It was confirmed that the suspect will soon be charged to court.

Ngozi Nwosu Off To UK For Treatments

Ailing Nollywood actress, Ngozi Nwosu has now been flown to the United Kingdom for treatments. The actress, according to information gathered, jetted out of Nigeria last night aboard a British Airways flight. 

The sultry actress will be treated in a UK hospital for both heart and kidney related diseases. She has been ill for months now until she left Nigeria around 11:45pm last night for treatment abroad. 

In December 2012, Lagos State governor, Raji Fashola donated the sum of N4.5million for her treatment. She got N1million from 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire' game show in 2012 also for her treatment. 

An appeal call of N6million was raised for her last year to keep her alive.

“Nobody is more qualified than me” – Ifeanyi Ubah declares intention to govern Anambra

Few months after regaining his freedom from the ‘grip’ of Nigeria Police at the Special Fraud Unit (SFU) Milverton, Ikoyi, Lagos, billionairebusinessman and chairman/CEO of Capital Oil and Gas, Dr. Ifeanyi Ubah has formally declared his intention to run for the 2014 gubernatorial race in Anambra State.
The business mogul made this declaration in his country home, Anaedo Hall, Nnewi, Anambra during a solidarity rally organized in his honour by a socio-cultural organization, Igboezue Unity Association in the state.
According to the large-hearted oil tycoon, his reason for joining the governorship race was fuelled by the passion he had for good governance and the need to alleviate the sufferings of his people.
Ubah maintained that he had all it takes to govern Anambra state, noting that he was well nurtured by his parents who were all teachers and that because of his good upbringing and God’s favour, he always succeeds in every business he ventures into.”He insisted that despite the setback experienced in his business recently, he would not be deterred from going after his political ambition, “having been cleared by the police.”
His words: “We are set for Anambra State. Anybody who is more qualified than I am should come out and let’s see him. I’m totally free, independent and qualified to contest this election and I know that what happened to me in the business circle came from Anambra State. But the complainant is not always the winner. We are marching forward,” he affirmed.
Chairman of the socio-cultural group, Chief Pius Okoye in his remarks, said the group was supporting Uba because of his philanthropic spirit.
Okoye and the founder of the group, Dr Cletus Ubah who noted that their membership was drawn from the entire five states in the South-East region also said the group would give Uba all the necessary supports at the polls.
Adding his voice, chairman of Nzuko Ora Nnewi (Nnewi Town Union), Chief Charles Agu Onyeka disclosed that the industrial community had long ago adopted the oil magnet for the governorship race and called on other communities in the state to follow suit.
He said: “We are only happy that he has accepted our request for him to come out and save us from our bondage because of his benevolent heart. What he is passing through is man-made,” he added

Nigerian leaders have failed to manage the country’s resources well – Clinton

The United states Former President, Bill Clinton, said on Tuesday in Abeokuta, Ogun State capital, that one of the major challenges of Nigeria as country was its inability to effectively manage its resources.
Speaking at the 18th Annual Awards of Thisday newspaper, put together to recognize Nigeria’s best teachers, the former USPresident urged Nigerian leaders to address the pressing issue of unemployment and brain-drain in order to make effective use of the potentials of its citizens.
Clinton who addressed Nigerians at the event well attended by many, including former president,Olusegun Obasanjo, Ogun State governor, Ibikunle Amosun, Delta state Governor, Emmanuel Uduaghan and other notable Nigerians, said Nigerian leaders have not been able to manage its oilmoney well, hence a major problem to the nation.
Clinton said: “When I became President, my Secretary of Commerce did a lot of work in Africa before he was tragically killed in a plane crash in 1995.
“I said he should make a list of 10 most important countries in the world for the 21st century. Nigeria was in the list.
“Imagine the future of the entire continent if Nigeria fails or South Africa fails. So, you are a country of potential. I will say you have about three big challenges.
“First of all, like 90 percent of the countries, which have one big resource, you haven’t done well with your oil money. You should have reinvested it in different ways. Now you are at least not wasting the natural gas. You are developing it in pipelines but you don’t do a better job of managing natural resources.
“Secondly, you have to somehow bring economic opportunity to the people who don’t have. This is not a problem specific to Nigeria. Almost in every place in the world, prosperity is heavily concentrated in and around urban areas.
“So you have all these political problems: violence, religious differences, and all the rhetoric ofBoko Haram.
“But the truth is the poverty rate in the north is three times greater than what it is in the Lagos area. To deal with that, you have to have both powerful stake in the local governments and a national policy that work together.
“As you keep trying to divide the power, you have to figure out a way to have a strategy that will help in sharing prosperity.
“The third thing is there has to be a way to take the staggering intellectual and organisational ability that Nigerians exhibit in every country in the world in which they are immigrant and bring it to bear here, so that the country as a whole can rise.
“One of the people on my trip with me today, who unfortunately could not come up here because he had to go and visit his family, is a young Nigerian-American named Nnamdi. He is an all pro-quarter back footballer for the Philadelphia Eagles.“He’s a wonderful man; he does great work in America for poor kids in Arkansas City and he became a friend of mine.
“Both his parents have PhDs. His sister has a PhD. He often says ‘I’m the failure in my family and I only have a university degree and I play football.’
“My point is: there are Nigerians who are like this all over the world. What you have to figure out is how to keep those people in Nigeria and how to ensure their success encourages others in the country.
Speaking further on possible solutions to the nation’s problems, he said, “So, I think solving the economic divide that is in your country will help the political divide; making better use of your resources.
“Nigeria is trying to set up an investment fund where the Federal Government will set it up and the governors are being consulted so that they can concentrate the capital. That is the problem in India.
“They have unbelievable entrepreneurs but they are not very good at collecting capital and investing it in infrastructure so that they can unite the poor part of the country with the rich part. That’s what you have to do. And then, you have to empower people with education so they can succeed at home as well as around the world.”
Speaking on the essence of education, Clinton said: “I have to explain that education is more important in dealing with the challenges facing Nigeria. On the continent and the entire world, we are living a revolutionary time, full of positive and negative forces.
“The information technology is good for people who can take advantage of it. I see this all over the world. Cell phones give farmers the access to information about crop prices and fish prices in Africa and Asia.
“It increases their income by reducing their ignorance. It is empowerment. People are using cell phones to have banking services for the first time.
“I see it even in the United States where people who thought they have no money to help others donate a billion dollars to Haiti during the earthquake because ordinary citizens use their cell phones to make transfer to an account and they had a billion dollars.
“It is an age where if we are sufficiently educated we can be empowered but with enormous challenges. First of all, with all of these new opportunities which technology had given us, we have not yet succeeded in automatically reducing poverty and inequality of opportunity in accessing education and health care.
“It is a global phenomenon. If we really want to take advantage of education, empowerment and information technology, we have to tackle this problem. The second problem we have in the world is instability as we all know.
“We have to stop this problem. One major problem of unemployment is this instability all over the world. We have not yet solved the problem of how to embrace our potential and common humanity.
“And until we do this, the globalisation of the economy, the globalization of the society for information technology will continue to face serious trouble. We have to deal with how to maximize the capacity of all the people through education.
“We have to find a way through education, through the information technology revolution to change the way we produce and consume energy and to change the way we use local resources in a way that sustains them.
“We have to know how to do this and do it right. And in every case, education will play a major role whether in developed or developing countries. We need intelligent people to take a new way to challenge themselves.
“There is a lot of work to be done but we cannot ever neglect the role of education. So I want to end my remarks by saying two things. Every year at the opening of the United Nations, I sponsor a meeting where we invite the global leaders to come.
“We actually ask people to make a commitment to do something and we are all making progress.

EFCC Arraigns Seven Oil Thieves In Benin

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, on Tuesday February 26, 2013, arraigned seven suspected oil thieves before Justice A. M. Liman of the Federal High Court 1, Benin City, on separate charges bordering on conspiracy and illegal dealing in Petroleum Products.The accused persons: Paul Ojo, Oduwere Edobor, Lucky Okorie, Andrew Anthony, Kadiri Aloysious, James Aker and Lucky Egbede who were arrested at locations and dates, had in their possessions a truck, bus and kegs loaded with litres of substance suspected to be Automotive Gas Oil (AGO). They all pleaded not guilty to the charges respectively.
One of the charges against them reads, ”that you Paul Ojo and Oduwere Edobor and others now at large on or about the 21st day of January, 2013, along Sapele Road, Benin City, within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court did conspire with each other to commit felony to wit dealing in Petroleum Products without appropriate authority and thereby committed an offence contrary to Section 3(6) of the Miscellaneous Offences Act CAP M17 of the Revised Edition (Laws of the Federation of Nigeria) Act. 2007 and punishable under section 1(17) of the same Act.”
The charges against others read, “that you Lucky Okorie, Andrew Anthony, Kadiri Aloysious and James Aker and others now at large on or about the 22nd day of December, 2012, at Ekewan Road, Benin City, within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court did conspire among yourselves to commit felony to wit dealing in Petroleum Products without appropriate authority and thereby committed an offence contrary to Section 3(6) of the Miscellaneous Offences Act CAP M17 of the Revised Edition (Laws of the Federation of Nigeria) Act. 2007 and punishable under section 1(17) of the same Act.”
Justice Liman granted them bail in the sum of N500, 000 (five hundred thousand naira) and a surety in like sum respectively. Sureties must have landed property which title deed must be sighted and verified by the bailiff of the court.
The matter has been adjourned to 26th March and 17th April, 2013 for trial respectively.

John Terry, Rafa Benitez in training ground bust-up

JOHN TERRY and Rafa Benitez had a training-ground bust-up yesterday in front of shocked players and staff.
The Chelsea captain and interim manager clashed just before training at the club’s Cobham complex.
Benitez called the players into a circle to discuss Sunday’s damaging loss to Manchester City.
He expressed his dismay at the 2-0 reverse and he performance of the team and he asked the players for their reaction to the loss.
Terry, who was dropped for the game, spoke out and the discussion quickly escalated into a row between the pair.
A witness said: “It all kicked off between JT and Benitez as their frustrations over Sunday boiled over into a big bust-up.”This high-profile clash between the pair comes after The Sun apologised for incorrectly reporting that Benitez and Terry had allegedly rowed in the dressing room in the wake of Chelsea’s 3-2 defeat at Newcastle recently.
It is an alarming development as the Stamford Bridge side’s form continues to falter.
A win at City would have seen them pushing for second place but now they are in a fight to finish in the top four.
Tottenham’s win over West Ham last night lifted them above the Blues into third.

[UK Sun]

SERAP tasks UN Rights Council to act on violation of rights of Police trainees

The Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) has sent a request to the Head ofUnited Nations Human Rights Council, Ms. Navi Pillay, urging her to speak out against the degrading conditions of police trainees across police colleges in Nigeria.
The session of the annual Human Rights Council is scheduled to hold February 25. to March 22, 2013.
In the petition signed by Solicitor to SERAP, Femi Falana, SAN, the body told the High Commissioner to publicly speak out against the violations of the rights of police trainees , affirming that by holding a public session on the treatment of police trainees in police colleges acrossNigeria, pressure would be mounted on the government, and it will urgently take concrete, meaningful and transparent action to improve the conditions and treatment of the trainees.
The statement said that further action will improve the ability of law enforcement agencies .
The statement affirmed that “This is a crucial law enforcement issue to which your office is fully committed to addressing globally including in Nigeria. Unless the Nigerian government is held responsible for its failure to respect the right to human security and dignity of police trainees across police colleges in Nigeria, the government will not be able to meet up with its international legal obligations of maintaining law and order, and ensuring the safety and security of its citizens.”
“By failing to spend allocated budgets meant to establish infrastructure and improve the conditions of police colleges in the country, the government has breached its international human rightsobligations and commitments including under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.”
“It is impossible to produce capable, decent, efficient, knowledgeable and human rights friendly police personnel in such dehumanising and degrading conditions. In fact, police recruits trained under such inhuman conditions have always unleashed violence on innocent members of the public,” the organization said.
It charged Ms Pillay thus:1. Publicly condemn in your statement to the session of the UN Human Rights Council scheduled to hold between February 25 2013 to March 22 2013 reports of dehumanizing and degrading treatment of police trainees across police colleges in Nigeria
2. Ask the Nigerian Government delegation attending the session of the Human Rights Council to explain how the budget meant to establish infrastructure and improve the conditions of police trainees in police colleges has been spent, and what the government is doing to urgently address this serious human rights violation
3. Call or facilitate public session of the Human Rights Council and civil society to discuss the problems with a view to putting pressure on the Nigerian government to address it.
4. Urge the Nigerian government to invite the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, and on the right to non-discrimination in this context; Independent Expert on the issue of human rights obligations relating to the enjoyment of a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment; Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights; Special Rapporteur on the right to food; Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; and Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation to visit Nigeria to thoroughly investigate the violations of human rights committed against police trainees across police colleges in Nigeria, and to make recommendations to the government on what to do to address the problem
It added that, “The poor, dehumanising, and deteriorating state of the Police College Ikeja and other police colleges across the country seem to explain why the force has been unable for many years to provide adequate security for the common man and to effectively tackle crimes. The inhuman and degrading treatment of police trainees as shown by the Channels documentary also illustrates the deep rooted corruption in critical institutions of government and public services that have been completely neglected for several years”
“Recent investigation and documentary by the highly respected Channels TV showed among others that training facilities are in terribly bad shape; that the college is overcrowded (housing 3000 people instead of 750); that student hostels are in dilapidated conditions and lack beds, mattresses and decent and functioning toilets. It showed the college’s male and female dormitories, some of them built before independence in 1960, in state of disrepair. The trainees are clearly in some discomfort, because the footage showed bug-infested sleeping quarters and blood-stained beddings,” the organization also said.
Nigeria is a member of the Human Rights Council, and has ratified several UN human rights treaties, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; as well as the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.