Saturday 29 November 2014

16 Cancer Causing Foods You Should Avoid!

When your parents were young, no one was concerned about foods that cause cancer. The research was very young at the time, but there were also far less processed foods on the market. People ate healthier and more pure foods, because that was what was available to them.

Today, it seems like doctors link everything to causing cancer – it’s hard to determine what to really stay away from. While you think you may be doing the right thing for your health by drinking diet sodas or low-calorie popcorn, you’re actually eating some of the worst cancer-causing foods out there!

Below are 16 of the biggest carcinogen culprits that you probably eat every day. While you may be thinking “Everything causes cancer, so why bother changing my diet,” these 16 common food items have been scientifically shown to significantly increase the risk of cancers.

#1 Microwave Popcorn

Sure it’s easy to pop a bag of popcorn in the microwave when you want a quick and tasty snack, but is it really worth risking yourself for liver, testicular and pancreatic cancer? The microwave popcorn bags you have in your cabinet are lined with carcinogenic chemicals AND so is a chemical in the popcorn itself, which creates the artificial butter flavor. If you can’t give up your favorite movie-time snack, it’s time to switch to the old-fashioned stove top or a kernel popping machine like you see at movie theaters.

#2 Non Organic Produce

You’re not alone in thinking ALL fruits and vegetables are good for you, but there are actually many dangerous pesticides sprayed on non-organic fruits that are linked to cancer. One example is Altrazine, a weed-killer used at many U.S. farms, but banned in Europe for causing severe problems in humans, such as infertility. Another problem with non-organic farmed produce is the use of toxic fertilizers and hormones used to make fruits and veggies bigger. In case you were wondering, the worst offenders are apples, followed by oranges, strawberries and grapes. ALWAYS wash fruits and veggies to be safe, but know that this doesn’t remove all pesticides.

#3 Canned Tomatoes

I know what you’re thinking… You’ve likely heard how the nutrient Lycopene in tomatoes lowers cancer risks, but that benefit is completely cancelled out when the lining of canned tomatoes contain chemicals that disrupt hormonal activity in the body. Since tomatoes are so acidic, the chemical BPA actually leeches from the lining into the tomatoes. This toxic chemical has been linked to different cancers, heart disease and reproductive problems. Next time you feel like making a nice red sauce, go with a glass jar or stew the tomatoes yourself.

#4 Processed Meat

If you’re a carnivore, it may be hard to give up tasty deli sandwiches or cured meats to go with your wine and cheese, but the benefits definitely outweigh the cancerous risk. Processed meats are created with excessive salt and chemicals that damage our health. A study over 13 years showed that 1 out of 17 people died who ate 160 grams of processed meats. That’s 44 percent risk of cancer, as opposed to people who ate 20 grams or less. These meats are so packed with preservatives to look fresh, but they are well-known carcinogens, including the same things found in cigarette smoke.

#5 Farm Raised Salmon

Sure fish, especially salmon, is known as one of the healthiest foods out there, but unfortunately more than 60% of salmon in the U.S. is farm-raised… and could be deadly. Farm-raised fish are fed unnatural diets and contaminated with chemicals, antibiotics, pesticides and other known carcinogens found in materials like asbestos. Farmed salmon is also fattier than fresh salmon, which means it soaks up more toxins. Next time you want a healthy omega-3 packed, treat yourself to fresh Alaskan salmon instead.

#6 Potato Chips

They may be cheap, easy and delicious, but these crispy, addicting snacks can also be deadly. These fatty foods don’t only cause weight gain because of their high trans-fat content, they also have excessive sodium levels, which cause high blood pressure and artificial flavors, preservatives and colors. Another risk is the presence of acrymalide, a known carcinogen found in cigarettes. Try not to feed these quick snacks to yourself or your kids and choose pretzels, air-popped popcorn or baked apple chips instead.

#7 Hydrogenated Oils

Hydrogenated oils are vegetable oils, which cannot be naturally extracted like olive oil, soy or canola oil, they must be chemically removed. They are commonly used in many foods in your pantry to preserve and keep their shelf life, yet they are also linked to cancer, birth defects, heart disease and many other fatalities. NEVER cook with hydrogenated oils and check your labels for healthy oils like olive, soy and canola instead.

#8 Salty, Pickled And Smoked Foods

They may be delicious, but many salty, pickled and smoked foods are processed with the preservative nitrate, which changes in our bodies to N-nitroso composites, which are associate with high cancer-developing risks. Smoked foods like meat or nuts absorb the smoke, which contains the same tar found in cigarettes. Colorectal and stomach cancer are linked to salty, pickled and smoked foods. Do you have a taste for these cravable foods now?!

#9 Processed White Flour

Oprah famously lost a lot of weight by cutting out anything white, especially the big culprit – white flour. You may have heard it’s bad for you, but you probably don’t realize that chemically-bleaching flour with chlorine gas kills all of its healthy nutrients. Chlorine gas can be deadly when inhaled, so why would we want it in our dinner? White flour also contains a high glycemic rate, which raises blood sugar and insulin levels and can directly cause diabetes. Cancerous tumors feed on sugar in the bloodstream, so by avoiding refined grains like processed white flour, you can avoid or starve deadly tumors.

#10 - GMO's

You may have heard the term GMO, but you’re not alone in not fully understanding the dangers of genetically modified organisms. Why would anyone want to eat something that sounds like that, right?! WRONG! After GMO’s were introduced in 1996, Americans with 3 or more chronic illnesses jumped from 7 to 13% in just 9 years. Allergies skyrocketed and so did Autism in children, reproductive and digestion problems. GM vegetables fed to rats caused development of horrifying tumors. One of the biggest culprits was GM bovine growth hormone found in milk. Stay away from these silent killers and choose certified organic, non-GMO verified and locally-grown foods that are produced without biotechnology. You’ll be thankful you did later on in life.

#11 - Refined sugars

Cancer cells LOVE refined sugars, which spike insulin levels and and promote cancer growth. High-fructose corn syrup is considered the worst offender and it’s found in any sweet you can think of. It’s been known for a long time that cancer cells feed off of sugar, so with so many people addicted to sugary treats, it’s no wonder why cancer rates have skyrocketed.

#12 - Artificial sweeteners

While many people choose artificial sweeteners to lose weight, they are actually doing way worse damage to the body. People who consume artificial sweeteners in soda, coffee or diet-candy actually end up gaining weight and it does nothing to help those with diabetes. Aspartame found in artificial sweeteners has been known to cause convulsions, cataracts and gastro paresis. Also, artificial sweeteners do nothing to inhibit the body’s ability to monitor its daily calorie consumption, making us crave sweets even more. Another deadly toxin called DKP forms in the body from these fake sweets that produces cancer-causing chemicals, especially brain tumors. To sum it up, there is pretty much NEVER a good reason to ingest artificial sweeteners.


You may be thinking you’re doing the right thing when choosing a food with a “diet” or “low-fat” label, but you’re actually doing way more harm than good. Chemical artificial sweetener aspartame, again, is the big culprit, causing cancer, birth defects and heart problems. Think about it – anything “diet” is chemically processed and not REAL food. These foods also contain additives like ones found in cocaine to make you feel good, but also be addicting. Be smart and eat nature’s delicious, natural foods – organic only, of course!

#14 - Alcohol

Alcohol use is the second leading cause of cancer, right behind tobacco use. While a moderate or low consumption of alcohol can be healthy and lead to a reduced risk of heart disease, excessive drinking is known to cause heart failure, stroke, and sudden death. Excessive alcohol use is the biggest cause of mouth, esophagus, liver, colon, mouth, rectum and breast cancers. Don’t worry! You don’t need to give up your glass of wine with dinner, but, for your health’s sake, stick to one.

#15 - Red meat

If you love a delicious steak now and then, don’t worry! Red meat is actually a good thing in your diet in small doses, but only if it’s grass-fed beef, which can actually help fight certain cancers. However, people who eat meat like hamburgers every day have a greater risk in developing deadly cancers, upping their risk to 22% in men and 20% in women. Red meat is particularly good at causing colon cancer. So, enjoy your steak dinner now and then, but don’t do it every night of the week and when you do crave red meat, stick to grass-fed, organic beef.

#16 - Soft drinks

Soft drinks, soda, pop… no matter what you call it, it’s still detrimental to your health! Soda is packed full of calories, sugar and artificial ingredients, and has ZERO nutritional benefit. One can of soda contains about ten packets of sugar and most popular diet and sugared sodas are nearly as corrosive to dental enamel as battery acid. Think the occasional soda won’t hurt? Studies have shown that only drinking two sodas per week nearly doubles the risk of pancreatic cancer. There are plenty of alternatives out there, so next time you’re craving something sweet, think about what you’re putting into your body. Your health is an investment, never forget that!

Friday 28 November 2014

Update: Kano mosque blasts kill 64

An estimated 64 people died in the multiple explosions in Kano Grand Mosque today, according to preliminary casualty figures released by an official of one of the rescue agencies.
About 128 people were also said to have been injured in the bombings believed to have been the handiwork of the Boko Haram.
The official, who requested anonymity as he was not authorised to speak to media, said 64 bodies had been brought to just one Kano area hospital after the attack at the city’s central mosque, and the wounded figure reflected statistics from three hospitals.
The bombs exploded in the mosque attached to the palace of the Emir of Kano, Mohammed Sanusi, a week after he issued a call to arms to fight Boko Haram.
The explosions came after civilian vigilantes in the northeastern city of Maiduguri said they foiled a bomb attack against a mosque, five days after two female suicide bombers killed over 45 people in the city.
“Two bombs exploded, one after the other, in the premises of the Grand Mosque seconds after the prayers had started,” worshipper Aminu Abdullahi told AFP.
“A third one went off in a nearby road close to the Qadiriyya Sufi order. The blasts were followed by gunshots by the police to scare off potential attacks.”
His account was backed up by another witness, Hajara Tukur, who said she lives nearby.
The emir, known officially as Muhammad Sanusi II, last week said at the same mosque that northerners should take up arms against Boko Haram, which has been fighting for a hardline Islamic state since 2009.
He also cast doubt on Nigerian troops’ ability to protect civilians and end the insurgency, in rare public comments by a cleric on political and military affairs

Nanny who battered Ugandan baby asks for forgiveness, explains why she did it

There's absolutely no reason for severely battering a helpless 18month old but the Nanny who is currently in prison awaiting trial for attempted murder of baby Arnella tries to explain why she did it and begs for forgiveness. She's due in court again on December 8th.
Speaking from Luzira prison, Jolly Tumuhiirwe told
“My dad in Kabale was very sick and my mom did not have any money. I asked my bosses for some money to send to my dad but they told me that I hadn’t made a month yet and my father was dying, so it kept on haunting me. That is the more reason I referred the anger to the baby but I’m sorry.
But that madam (Arnella’s mom) is not easy. She used to say that I steal money from the clothes and Eric’s wallet, I eat the babies food…and yet I can’t eat the food, I’m not a baby, those were all lies, so, I was also not happy from my heart.”
“I feel guilty..ok when I was doing it I thought I was disciplining the baby because also the mother sometimes slaps her, I also saw from the mom. The torch I used was small and it’s not hard. I think, I will never do it again”
Jolly’s experience of Prison
“It’s not good at all even my fellow prisoners don’t want to associate with me, they want to beat me up. In fact they were saying that I should join them in their rooms, nobody likes me and I’m feeling bad I will never do it again, I ask the world to forgive me and also tell the bosses who have maids to treat them well.”
(Pic above: Jolly holds up the top she was wearing when she was beaten by Arnella's father - it has blood stains. I don't think a man should ever hit a woman, but I will make an exception in this case )

DNA result reveals two of Femi Kuti's five children are not his

Afrobeat king, Femi Kuti says he recently found out that two out of the 5 children he always thought were his, weren't. In an interview with Encomium mag, Femi said a DNA test conducted on a boy and a girl named Tosin and Dupe who were born after his first son, Made, showed he's not their biological father.
"I did a DNA test and was told two of the children are not mine. The first two (after Made), a boy and a girl. It is very serious. I never knew somebody could give you what is not yours. I’ve three boys now. I can’t father children I was tricked to believe I am their father,” he said
Femi says he has since returned the children to their mothers.

Victor Moses returns to Chelsea

Stoke City manager Mark Hughes has confirmed that winger Victor Moses has returned to parent club Chelsea after suffering a thigh injury.

Assistant manager Mark Bowen had earlier revealed that he thought Moses would be out for between six to eight weeks and now in his press conference before the game against Liverpool Hughes has said that Moses has returned to Chelsea.

Moses joined the Blues from Wigan but he failed to work his way into the first team and last season went out on loan to Liverpool. .

However he struggled there as well and hardly featured yet his time with Stoke has definitely been more successful.

He is considered a key player by the management and his absence will be a huge blow for Hughes and his coaching staff.

It is currently unclear whether or not the loan has actually been terminated but it seems as if Moses has just gone back for treatment.

Onazi blamed for Afcon failure

Lazio midfielder Ogenyi Onazi has been faulted as part of the reason Nigeria failed to qualify for next year’s Africa Cup of Nations in Equatorial Guinea.

A Super Eagles player told on the condition of anonymity, that the Lazio man ignored instructions to shield the defence in search of personal glory.

“A lot have been said about why we failed to qualify, but most are far from the truth. For instance why was it that we struggle less when Hope Akpan plays in front of the defence?” said the source.
“It’s ironic that Mikel Obi best games of the qualifiers were games that Akpan played in as he sits and allow Obi roam upfront without leaving any space behind unlike Onazi.

“Nigerians should also ask him why he missed training the eve of the game and tried to lie. What family issue kept him out?”

The player pointed out that Onazi ignored the coach’s instruction as he felt slighted that Mikel took all the glory after the Nigeria AFCON 2013 triumph.

“His relationship with Mikel is zero, Keshi noticed it during preparations for the World Cup, he now wants to score goals as opposed to his primary role,” added the anonymous player.

“He felt Mikel got a lot of plaudits while he was ignored despite playing a role in his success at the AFCON 2013, he cost us the game against South Africa.”

Both players had a public fallout in front of the camera on the pitch in the Eagles 2-0 away win against Congo in Pointe Noire, a situation our source said snowballed into the South Africa game.
“Mikel is a senior player in the team and highly experienced and for Onazi to openly challenge him shows you how bad it is between them,” continued the source.

“Onazi is playing under instructions to cover for Obi who is short of pace on the counter, but look at both South Africa goals, where was he?

“These days he plays for himself more than the team, you can see how he hits shots waywardly even when a pass is a better option, he has to grow up.”

Nigeria's Petroleum Minister, Alison-Madueke Elected First OPEC Female President

The Minister of Petroleum Resources, Mrs. Diezani Alison-Madueke, has been elected the first female president of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).

Alison-Madueke was elected President of OPEC Thursday at the ongoing 166th General Meeting of the body in Vienna, Austria.

She replaces former President of OPEC, Libyan Vice Prime Minister for Corporations, Abdourhman Atahar Al-Ahirish.

She was before her election this morning the alternate president of OPEC and is expected to immediately begin to serve her one-year term at the helm of OPEC affairs.

OPEC is expected to at the 166th meeting, take key decisions that could halt the dwindling price of crude oil.

Al-Ahirishhad in his opening remarks before the closed door meeting stated that ample supply, moderate demand, a stronger US dollar and uncertainties about global economic growth have been key factors in the recent price trend.

This, he noted, was in addition to the impact of speculative activities in the oil market.

Boko Haram bombs 5 soldiers, 30 hunters

No fewer than 35 people, including five military personnel and a local hunter, were said to have been killed by a bomb explosion yesterday morning around Mararaba-Mubi area of Adamawa State.

An eyewitness told newsmen in Yola, the state capital, that a combined team of the military and hunters were on routine patrol of the area following their successful recapture of Mubi town when the bomb planted by the insurgents exploded, killing 35 of them instantly.

According to the eyewitness, the scene of the blast was a busy area where people gathered to transact business, adding that the explosive might have been planted there overnight while it went off in the morning as people gathered there.

The eyewitness, who spoke to newsmen on phone, said the military had converted the venue of the blast to a checkpoint, since people were always at the spot in large numbers.

According to him, “my house is some metres from the scene of the incident. I stood outside my compound watching the suburb and all of a sudden, I heard a loud bang which shook the entire surroundings. The few people who were returning to the area started running away and the area was immediately cordoned off by the military.”

The explosion prompted the military authorities to declare the area “a no go place” and advised returning villagers and passers-by to be extra cautious along the routes.

The authorities also cautioned the people to be wary of strange objects and polythene bags within their reach, advising that they might be explosives fashioned out to look attractive for unsuspecting victims.

Meanwhile, hundreds of local hunters keeping vigil with the military in the recovered areas of Adamawa State have vowed to ensure that the sect members are completely chased out
The hunters, who were returning to the recaptured areas of Mubi and its environs, told newsmen, yesterday, in Yola that their major pre-occupation now was to ensure that the area is completely secured for the inhabitants to return to their homes.

The leader of the hunters, Young Moris, pledged that they will do everything to ensure that Michika and Madagali are equally rid of the insurgents very soon.

63 senators agree to impeach Jonathan

Sixty-three senators as of Thursday have signed up to the plan to impeach President Goodluck Jonathan in the upper legislative chamber.

One of the arrowheads of the move to remove Jonathan in the Senate showed our correspondent the list containing the signatures of the senators.

The source said eight Peoples Democratic Party senators were among the signatories to the planned impeachment notice.

There are 109 members in the Senate.

An All Progressives Congress senator from the North-West zone, who asked not to be named,told our correspondent that the lawmakers’ major grouse was the President’s handling of the economy and political affairs of the country.

The senator cited poor implementation of the national budget since 2011, alleged high level of corruption and “gross disregard” of the legislature at both the federal and state levels as topping the list of lawmakers’ anger against Jonathan.

Asked whether he realised that the process of impeachment could be tedious and cumbersome, the senator said, “ We know and we are prepared to show the President that we have responsibility to the people and the nation in general.

“We are prepared to lay the impeachment notice anytime from next week. Meetings are already being held.”

Senator Ibrahim Musa (APC Niger North) confirmed that there were moves by some members of the Senate to initiate impeachment proceedings against the President but failed to give details.

“I think there is something like that but I don’t have the details, it is still coming as a rumour,” Musa said.

But The PUNCH learnt that the impeachment move against the President had really gained momentum with the APC senators mobilising themselves to carry out the exercise anytime from next week.

Investigations by our correspondent revealed that some PDP senators, who were initially at the forefront of the struggle, had retreated following the intervention of the senate leadership and the promise of automatic tickets by the party.

It was learnt that the PDP senators had been pleading with their APC colleagues to hold on till next week pending the outcome of the moves by the senate leadership to ensure the realisation of the automatic tickets agreement they had with the PDP and Jonathan.

An APC senator told our correspondent on condition of anonymity that the impeachment letter contains the signature of both the APC and PDP senators.

He explained that the letter could not be laid on the floor of the senate because some PDP senators appealed to them to delay the action.

He said, “The truth of the matter is that the impeachment notice would have been laid if not for our colleagues in the PDP who pleaded with us to delay the process pending when the senate leadership would come up with the result of its efforts at securing automatic tickets for them.

“In any case the process had started but if we submit the letter now, the signatures of the PDP senators will be there and the party might want to use that as an excuse to deny them their automatic tickets.”

The PDP senators contacted by our correspondent on the issue declined to make comment.

However, one of them who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the process of impeachment had not been suspended.

Friday 21 November 2014

Supreme Court sacks Taraba Acting governor, reinstates impeached deputy governor

The Supreme Court has sacked Taraba State’s acting governor, Garba Umar, and ordered the reinstatement of Abubakar Danladi, a former deputy governor who was impeached before Mr. Umar took over.

Mr. Danladi was the first deputy governor who ran on the same ticket with Governor Dantata Suntai. He was impeached shortly before Mr. Suntai took ill after an air crash.

The acting governor who was removed Friday, Mr. Umar, was appointed the deputy governor after the impeachment of Mr. Danladi.

After Mr. Suntai became ill, Mr. Umar took charge as acting governor.

The acting governor has been locked in a bitter power struggle with the associates of Mr. Suntai, who insist the ailing governor has recovered enough to return to work.

In a unanimous decision Friday, the Supreme Court nullified the impeachment of the first deputy governor, Mr. Danladi, and ordered he be sworn in as acting governor immediately.

Seven justices of the court agreed with the ruling, delivered by Justice Sylvester Ngwuta.
The court said Mr. Danladi was denied fair hearing.

The court also said it was illegal for 19 members of the state House of Assembly who prepared the impeachment notice to have sat at a Guest House belonging to the majority leader.

Justice Ngwuta described the impeachment panel as a “kangaroo panel” and said that there was a conspiracy between the impeachment panel and the lawmakers.

The Taraba State House of Assembly had on October 4, 2012 removed Mr. Danladi from office on purported allegations of fraud and abuse of office.

Majority of the state’s lawmakers, 20 of the 24 members of the Assembly, had voted to uphold the recommendations of a seven-member judicial commission of inquiry. The commission was named by the state’s then Acting Chief Judge, Josephine Tuktur, to investigate allegations of gross misconduct against the deputy governor.

The commission said it found Mr. Danladi guilty of the allegations of gross misconduct.
The House Majority Leader, representing Karim I Constituency, Charles Maijankai, moved the motion for the adoption of the report.

The report had said Mr. Danladi used his office to divert Millennium Development Goals, MDG, projects to Yagai Academy, a private school, owned by him. It also indicted the former deputy governor for using his office to influence the posting of an officer and interfering in the affairs of his Karim-Lamido local government.

The panel also said the third allegation that Mr. Danladi did not convene a meeting of the state Boundary Commission, showed his incompetence.

But in impeaching the deputy governor at the time, both the House and the commission ignored the case filed by him against the composition and membership of the commission of inquiry. The case was then before a Taraba High Court.

Mr. Danladi’s downfall was at the time blamed on his tenuous relationship with the governor, Danbaba Suntai, who is said have become uncomfortable with his political ascendancy and affiliations with those Mr. Suntai considered his political rivals.

Analysts had at the time wondered why the charges, committed years back, surfaced at the time the two men fell apart.

Mr. Danladi was among those slated for the 2012 national awards in Abuja but was dropped reportedly on account of the controversy.

But less than a month after Mr. Danladi was removed, and replaced with Garba Umar, Mr. Suntai got involved in an air crash on October 25, 2012.

While Mr. Danladi continued to challenge his removal in court, Messrs Umar and Suntai became embroiled in a bitter power struggle that has remained largely unresolved

I’m Not Too Young To Be Niger Governor – Umar Nasko

A leading governorship aspirant in Niger State on the platform of People’s Democratic Party (PDP), Hon. Umar Mohammed Nasko has declared his preparedness for the job, saying he is not too young to govern the state.
Nasko, who has already been endorsed by the governor, Dr. Mu’azu Babangida Aliyu stated this yesterday in Minna, the state capital at a public declaration of his ambition to run for the governor of the state in the 2015 election.
At the Bako Kontagora Memorial Stadium venue of the declaration, to told the large crowd of supporters from all over the state and party chieftains that at 40, he could not be said to be young to run the affairs of the state as suggested by his adversaries.
He contended that with the life expectancy of 50 years in Nigeria, he was not young to understand the peculiar demands and needs of people of the state as he had adequately prepared himself for the challenge ahead.
“In a country where life expectancy is put at less than fifty years, a forty-year old couldn’t be ‘too young’ to serve in the exalted office of state governor”, Nasko stated, emphasizing that he had received enough mentoring by Governor Aliyu to advance the course of development of the state.
He said he was overwhelmed by the large turn out on the occasion, describing it as a confirmation of “your belief in the capacity of the youth and the young at heart to provide purposeful leadership, because effective political leadershi p is not often defined by chronological age but the maturity of mind and capacity to mobilize mass support towards electoral victory”.
He promised to consolidate the achievements of the Babangida Aliyu administration and ensure the vision of making Niger State one of the three top economies in the year 2020 would come through.
Governor Aliyu was represented on the occasion by the Secretary to the State Government, Rt. Hon. Idris Ndako Kpaki who assured the crowd that the governor was in full support of Nasko’s candidacy.

Another military helicopter crashes near FUT in Yola

According to Sahara Reporters, another military helicopter belonging to the Nigerian Airforce crashed in Damare, near the Federal University of Technology in Yola, Adamawa State, around the same spot where the last helicopter crashed on November 14th. The military is yet to say anything about the crash and no word yet if there are casualties. Details later

FFK calls Governor Amaechi pot bellied, house boy, monkey and cultist

In a post titled The Pot-bellied Creek Haramite And His Direct Threat, which he posted on Facebook, former Aviation minister Femi Fani Kayode slammed River State governor, Rotimi Amaechi, calling him a cultist, house boy and monkey. These our leaders have no chill What he wrote below..
''If the PDP rig the election in 2015 we will not go to court and we will make the country ungovernable. We will form a parallel government and there will be anarchy''- Governor Rotimi Amaechi.
It is time for the President to take off the kid gloves and put this pot-bellied little monkey in his place. Once a houseboy, always a houseboy. Once a cult member always a cult member. Once a peasant, always a peasant.
But why are our leaders saying stuff like this? That there will be anarchy in this country? Continue...

If Rotimi and his Haramite friends are looking for trouble then we should give it to them in full measure. It would be a pleasure. Anytime a cockroach shows it's head it ought to be crushed.
Treason is a very serious business and the brazen attempt to incite others to destroy our country, make it ungovernable and kill our people is even more serious. Have they and their Haramite army and secret military wing not killed enough people already in the last 3 years?
Whichever way they wish to play it and whatever they want to do we are ready for them this time. It will not be a one way slaughter anymore. If they kill our people after they lose in 2015 there will be swift, decisive and severe consequences.
Let this young man Rotimi and those that are using him prepare himself for the consequences of their madness. In 2010 they told the world that they would make Nigeria ''ungovernable'' if they lost the 2011 election and since then Nigeria has not known peace. Now they are saying it again. This time around our reaction will not be passive.
The only way you can fight madness is with an equal measure of madness. The only way you can defeat a bully is by mustering the resolve to face him down. The only way you can defeat a terrorist who delights in shedding blood is to visit him with a much higher level of violence and terror.
They will not kill our people and get away with it anymore. From now on it will be blood for blood. It will be an eye for an eye and it will be a tooth for a tooth. May God help us all.

Saturday 15 November 2014

Another suicide bombing averted in Minna school

It was never imagined that two schools could be targeted by bombers within two days in Niger State , but it happened.
The first was a tertiary institution – Federal College of Education, Kontagora – while the other was Maryam Babangida Science College named after a former first lady, Maryam Babangida, by the government of Dr. Mua’zu Babangida Aliyu. Two bombers were involved. That of the Federal College of Education, Kontagora was perpetrated by a female and the mission was accomplished but with low casualty while that of Minna by a male was aborted.
Maryam Babangida Science College is a female  college planned to be a model school.
On the fateful Thursday, the students were at the assembly ground not knowing that there was a sinister move meters away by a bomber. At about 7.30 a.m., a female teacher hurrying to school suspected strange movements in the bush. She also perceived the odour of Indian hemp which sent a signal to her that something strange was happening nearby.
This led her to quickening her steps, but ahead of her was a young man carrying a school bag who pretended as if he was answering nature’s call.
Then her phone rang and this caught the attention of the suspect who stopped her and threw some questions at her in Hausa.
Suspect- Where are you heading for?
Teacher- To school for today’s job.
Suspect- Are you not aware that there is no school today.
Teacher- I am not aware because nobody told us of any holiday.
Suspect- Whether there is holiday or not, I want to advise you to go back home now in your own interest  if you don’t want to lose your life!
It was at this point that the teacher knew that the man had a sinister mission. She immediately put off her shoes and rushed to the school premises to alert the principal and other staff of her encounter.
The suspect was dressed in the school uniform, covering her head with Hijab, thereby pretending to be a female student.
Confusion enveloped the school premises immediately, but the situation was calmed by the authorities. By the time people rushed to the scene, the suspect had taken to his heels. The police and other security agencies were informed and took over the security of the school with the gates closed to visitors and movement in and out restricted.
When our correspondent got to the school, some officials of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) , a pick up van of the army, police and SSS were directly opposite the principal’s office, strategizing while normal classes were going on.
Principal of the school, Hajiya Fatima Madugu, who also spoke with our correspondent, said, “Just help us thank God for the alertness of our staff and intervention by God. The mission of the suspect was to disguise as one of our students and sneak to the assembly ground to carry out his dastardly act but God intervened. Before we could mobilise to the scene, the suspect had fled but we immediately alerted the police and other security agencies who mobilised to our compound.”
The female teacher told our correspondent that as the conversation was going on between her and the suspect, fear has gripped her and she was left with no option than to take to her heels. The state police spokesman, DSP Ibrahim Gambari, confirmed the incident but said the attempt should not be seen as an invasion by Boko Haram.
“‘The suspect could be a lunatic but, not withstanding, our men have been drafted to the school for further investigations and I can tell you that the bush around the school has been combed and nothing incriminating found with no arrest made’’.
Meanwhile, the Niger government has suspended morning assembly and other religious gatherings in all schools in the state in order not to attract the attention of criminals. Similarly, because of the porous nature of Maryam Babangida Girls Science College and similar schools, all girls schools in the state will be fenced by next year in order to check insecurity to the affected schools

Bomb explosion rocks Kano, 6 dead

A bomb has exploded in  Kano on Friday evening as people were rushing home after the day's activities.

The explosion which occurred along Maiduguri road opposite NNPC filling station in Hotoro area of Kano killed unspecified number of people and injured several others.

NigerianEye also gathered that sporadic gun shots were heard for several minutes with many people running in several directions looking for safety.

The Kano State police commissioner, Adenrele Shinaba,revealed that the attacker detonated a bomb so powerful it left a deep crater on the station’s concrete floor.

He said the bomber arrived in a Toyota Sienna van and queued alongside other customers, pretending as though buying fuel, before detonating the apparently bomb-laden vehicle.

Mr. Shinaba said the filling station immediately caught fire after the bomb went off but that rescue officials were able to put out the fire.

Six people were confirmed dead, and five others injured, the police said.

The dead, according to police, include the suicide bomber, the manager of the station, a pump attendant, and three police officers.

Security operatives have secured the scene of the attack, the police said.

Kano State has witnessed a series of attacks from suspected Boko Haram militants.

In September, armed men stormed a federal college in Kano, detonated bombs as students attended lectures, and shot at those who fled. At least 10 people were killed.

There are several checkpoints on the road which links Kano and the North East where the mobile police barracks is situated and there was heavy security mounted in the area.

Boko Haram seizes Chibok, hometown of kidnapped schoolgirls

Boko Haram has seized the town of Chibok in Borno state, northeast Nigeria, from where 276 schoolgirls were kidnapped more than six months ago, a local pastor and a senator told AFP on Friday.

"Chibok was taken by Boko Haram. They are in control," said Enoch Mark, a Christian pastor whose daughter and niece are among the 219 teenagers still being held.

Mark and the senator for southern Borno, Ali Ndume, said the militants attacked at about 4:00 pm (1500 GMT) on Thursday, destroying communications masts and forcing residents to flee.

Meanwhile, Nigeria said Friday that three servicemen were killed in a military helicopter crash in the restive northeast, while Boko Haram rebels raided two more towns and vigilantes and hunters clawed back a key militant stronghold.

The second crash in a week happened late on Thursday in Yola, the capital of Adamawa, which is one of three states that has been under emergency rule since May last year.

The military said the aircraft involved was a ground attack helicopter on an armed patrol.
"The crew of three was lost in the ill-fated accident," a statement said, adding that an investigation will be carried out.

There was no immediate indication that the armed Islamist movement was responsible for the crash, though there has been an increase in Boko Haram activity in the state in recent weeks.

Boko Haram has reportedly taken over more than two dozen towns in Adamawa, Borno and Yobe states, including the commercial hub of Mubi, some 200 kilometers from Yola.

Last week, the extremists, who have been waging a five-year insurgency to create a hardline Islamic state, renamed Mubi "Madinatul Islam" or "City of Islam" in Arabic, residents said.

Nigeria's chief of army staff, Major General Kenneth Minimah, told a Senate defense committee on Thursday that the loss of territory was "painful" but promised that troops would recapture lost ground.

Locals and a government official said later that about 200 vigilantes and hunters armed with home-made guns, spears, clubs, bows and arrows, and machetes took back Mubi.

"It is true Mubi has fallen back into the hands of Nigerian soldiers with the help of local vigilantes and hunters," Chibado Bobi, chief of staff in the Adamawa state governor's office, told AFP.

"It is however too early for residents who fled to move back to Mubi because the security and vigilantes need to mop up all remnants of the group that may be lurking in nearby areas."

Boko Haram had introduced its strict version of Islamic law in the town, including amputations for accused thieves, according to residents who fled.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Pres. Jonathan & other African leaders in Burkina Faso (PHOTOES)

President Jonathan is currently in Burkina Faso with two other African leaders to mediate on the political crises in the country. He's pictured above with the interim Head of State of Burkina Faso, Lt. Col Isaac Zida. See more photos after the cut...

  President Macky Sall of Senega, Ghanaian President John Mahama and president Jonathan.

UK to return ex-Delta Governor James Ibori's £6.8m loot to Nigeria

The UK has agreed to return an additional £6.8m to Nigeria from the money seized from jailed ex-Governor of Delta State, Chief James Ibori.

This was revealed by UK Metropolitan Police Senior Investigator, Mr. Rupert Broad, yesterday November 4th in London according to a report by NAN. Out of the £8 million confiscated from Ibori, £1.2 million had so far been returned to Nigeria.

There are reports that an additional £80 million has been temporarily seized and a confiscation hearing has been fixed for April 2015 before the judge decides exactly how much was stolen out of the £80 million and then return it to Nigeria
Ibori who is still serving a jail term, was sentenced by the British Southcrown Court in April 2012 for 13 years after being convicted for fraud and money laundering.

Car dealer who specializes in buying stolen cars paraded in Lagos

48 year old Alhaji Mahmud Abdulakeen Tanko (pictured left) has been arrested and paraded by the Lagos state Anti-Robbery Squad, SARS, for selling cars he buys from a gang of armed robbers who specialize in snatching cars in Abuja. (right are some of the recovered cars)
According to police, Tanko was arrested in Abuja after a member of the robbery gang that supplies him with stolen cars was arrested in Rivers state and confessed. Tanko was paraded alongside four others identified as Musa Yusuf, 27, Israel Nana, 30, Moses Andrel, 25 and Abayomi Adebayo, 53. 

According to PM News, when interrogated, Tanko said he was aware the young men supplied him with stolen cars but buys them because they are cheap and helped him to maximize his profit. He said he was not a robber for purchasing from the thieves. 
Adebayo, one of the gang member who was arrested in Ayobo, Lagos was responsible for forging and changing chasis numbers of vehicles while Anrel who is a Liberian and a driver with UACN was arrested in Oyo state and confessed to selling four stolen cars. Another member of the gang, Nana was arrested in Rivers state and confessed to selling two stolen cars.
The Lagos state Police commissioner, CP Aderanti  said they were able to apprehend the robbers through intensive surveillance, aggressive patrol and cutting edge technology. He said 16 cars including a Toyota Camry, Nissan, Sienna, Outlander Jeeps, Toyota Sienna, SUVs among others were recovered from the men.